The spark plugs are some of the parts that make the internal combustion engine functions the way it does.
An example of an 4 stroke engine model.
For videos on how a 4 stroke engine works
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For videos on how a 4 stroke engine works
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I assume that know you understand that how does an 4 stroke engine works.
So, we refer back to the spark plugs.
Sometimes after changing my spark plugs, i noticed that my spark plugs are black in color. As from past experience, the fuel mixture is higher than it is supposed to be.
Here are some example's of spark plug pictures and the condition of the spark plugs that show the current condition of your engine.
If there's any spark plug picture that's similar with your plugs and its not in good condition, do go to the nearest workshop and do a checkup on your engine to prevent further damage's.
I hope this article gives some insight on the importance of spark plugs condition to the performance of the engine and by looking at the spark plugs condition, the condition of the engine could be known.
Next time ill elaborate some more on the rating of the spark plugs and how would it react to the engine in terms of performance and driveability.
I don't remember where i got some of the picture from the internet because some of them i have collected in the past 10 year's.
If somebody claims that the picture are theirs, please email me at
So, we refer back to the spark plugs.
Sometimes after changing my spark plugs, i noticed that my spark plugs are black in color. As from past experience, the fuel mixture is higher than it is supposed to be.
Here are some example's of spark plug pictures and the condition of the spark plugs that show the current condition of your engine.
If there's any spark plug picture that's similar with your plugs and its not in good condition, do go to the nearest workshop and do a checkup on your engine to prevent further damage's.
I hope this article gives some insight on the importance of spark plugs condition to the performance of the engine and by looking at the spark plugs condition, the condition of the engine could be known.
Next time ill elaborate some more on the rating of the spark plugs and how would it react to the engine in terms of performance and driveability.
I don't remember where i got some of the picture from the internet because some of them i have collected in the past 10 year's.
If somebody claims that the picture are theirs, please email me at